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Large Scale Sewer Rehabilitation
- CATEGORIES Water Resources
- CLIENT BES (Emerio was subconsultant to multiple prime consultants)
- LOCATION Portland, OR
- SPECIFIC PROJECTS Phase II: Grant Park Phase III: Citywide, Montavilla North and South, Mt. Scott/Arleta Current: Hillsdale
Emerio provided utility design, CAD and survey services on five separate projects within this program, with the objective to increase sewer capacity and reduce the risks of street flooding and sewage releases to homes, businesses and streets. Emerio’s design services included first assessment of pipe conditions; alternatives analysis for rehabilitation method of pipes; and then small diameter pipe design for the preferred method. In regard to CAD support, Emerio was responsible for plan and profile sheets, identifying revised sewer alignments, spot repair locations, and pipe rehabilitation/replacement. Emerio’s survey responsibilities included locating ROW areas; topographic survey used for design of new sewer lines and sewer line upgrades; conducting field investigations; verifying preferred rehabilitation methods, and utility as-built surveys. Existing conditions maps were produced in AutoCAD by adhering to the agency's standards and by requesting sample CAD files to verify compliance with drafting standards.