Nicole Allen, PLS
Sr. Professional Land Surveyor / Survey Project Manager
BS, Civil Engineering – Oregon State University;
Registration: Professional Land Surveyor – Oregon (84893-PLS),
Professional Land Surveyor – Washington (24030518),
Engineering Intern – Oregon (84893-EI)
With an educational background in construction inspection, survey, and survey calculations; field experience in surveying; and office experience in basemapping and drafting, Nicole wields a unique perspective in both surveying and engineering. She works closely with both field survey crews and Senior Project Surveyors in preparing plats, records of survey, and legal descriptions. Nicole joined the Emerio team in 2014, and offers in-depth familiarity and knowledge of drafting and CADD standards from her experience on public works projects by providing drafting for the plan and profile sheets, identifying revised sewer alignments, spot repair locations, and pipe rehabilitation and replacement.
Nicole met her husband in the Oregon State marching band while playing the mellophone, a giant trumpet for French horn players. She and her husband enjoy playing video games together, cooking international food, and reaching out to the community through their art ministry during the summer called “Art in the Park.”