An attitude of appreciation is woven into the fabric of our company, and we are constantly looking for opportunities to invest in our local community by giving of our time and resources.

Oregon State University Scholarship Endowment Fund: In support of developing the next generation of leaders, the Emerio Design Scholarship Endowment was established in 2014 to promote diversity and equity in the student body in alignment with Oregon State University’s enrollment goals through supporting female and/or other underserved student populations who are sophomores, juniors, or seniors, enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.

Civil Engineering Cooperative Program (CECOP): Emerio became a member of this program in 2016, providing on-the-job training for six months to highly qualified interns. Since program inception, Emerio has hosted 4 CECOP interns, with 3 becoming full time Emerio employees.

Volunteer Service Initiative: Emerio’s volunteer initiative began in 2016 with a group event to organize and clean the food distribution warehouse at Sunshine Pantry in Beaverton. Our efforts have grown in the years since, with company-sponsored volunteering opportunities with organizations including Oregon Food Bank, Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District, Candlelighters for Children with Cancer, and Red Cross. For Emerio’s 15 year anniversary in 2020, our team set out to accomplish 15 Acts of Kindness, which you can read about here.

Local Outreach: Each December, Emerio founder Neil Fernando and his family graciously assemble hundreds of bags full of supplies to aid homeless individuals in our community, which the Emerio staff enthusiastically distribute to those in need during the holiday season.

Global Outreach: Emerio partners with several global outreach projects, including our annual outreach project with Africa New Life to provide Hope Visits to families in Rwanda, East Africa. Continued partnership includes sponsorship of children for their educational and medical needs, including daily provision of food.

Adopt-a-Park: Emerio started our Adopt-a-Park program in 2018, first partnering with the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District to care for the Moonshadow Woods Natural Area. Our current adopted park is Hyland Woods Natural Area. Four times a year, the Emerio team will visit the park to provide invasive species removal. We look forward to our role as stewards of this park by contributing to an improved ecosystem.

Home Builders Foundation-HomeAid Portland: Emerio’s Principal and Founder, Neil Fernando, is the proud Honorary Chair of the 2024 Home Building Foundation Gala, which seeks to help Portland’s homeless through housing and community outreach. For over 25 years, this non-profit has connected thousands of individuals to shelters, transitional housing, and more in their time of need. Neil partners with the HBF to extend that mission and bring more voices and resources to the cause. Learn more about the great work they do here.

As a YMCA Board of Trustees member for several years, Neil Fernando has been an integral part of leading their annual YLinks Business Leaders Golf for Good Tournament. The funds raised at this event provide financial assistance for local kids to be able to participate in Y programs. A special highlight of this tournament was in 2018 when keynote speaker and former Harlem Globe Trotter Pee Wee Harrison provided an inspiring story about the power of a messenger from his life and gave special recognition to Neil for his generosity in the community.